Heater Replacement

When I purchased my Jeep the factory heater was not working. I went one winter with a broken heater before I got smart and installed a good one. My wife purchased an after market unit from 4WD Hardware and gave it to me for Christmas.....she's such a good wife! It really was simple to install.

All I did was remove the old unit. Turns out the guy that owned the Jeep before me attempted to repair it with no luck at all. I bought the new unit and bolted it in the same place as the factory unit. I had to widen the holes in the fire wall for the hose to go through. Other than that it fit in perfectly. The following are pictures of the new heater and vents. I had a sheet metal fabricator bend and cut the holes for the vents to fit in. A local company did it for about $25. It turned out really nice. The same guy did my dash board and only charged me about $40.